You will First need to have Admin credentials to be able to add a new vendor into the system.
Step 1:
Login with your Credentials and switch to Admin Section
Step 2:
Into the Admin Section First go to Organization Masters and expand that Section
Step 3:
Into Organisation Masters, Go to Source Master
Step 4:
In Source Master go to employment agency
Step 5
In employment agency click on the "+" icon besides the source and it will open a Form Input based window
Step 6
Add the name and details of the vendor here and make sure that " LOCK IN IMPORT PERIOD" is selected as "NONE", After this click on ADD.
Step 7
Now we have added Vendor to Source , but we need to create credentials for the vendor ,
Go to Admin section besides Masters in the same window.
Step 8
Go to the User management section and Go to Manage Users
Step 9
In Manage users go to the upper right hand corner and go to "ADD NEW"
Step 10
Now Select Role "VENDOR" and select from the vendor from list of vendors that you just added.
Please note:
Username : Should always be the name of the vendor.
If there are spaces in the name please use "_".
Password : can be Generic like 123123 , vendor will change while logging in
Email address : will be of the SPOC from the vendor agency.